Try, try again.. orHolding on to hope and humanity are two very beautiful things, that are equally very dangerous. As creatures, they are what keep us going…Feb 25Feb 25
Life vs/via FaithI am a believer. I have always believed, not just in any higher power but very categorically in God. I am religious and would say that to…Nov 19, 2020Nov 19, 2020
What’s in a name, Architects?A few weeks ago, I wrote my very first post on LinkedIn, completely on the spur of the moment and out of sheer frustration. Since…Aug 12, 20201Aug 12, 20201
Quaranti[m]e 2020As if 2020 hadn’t already gotten off to a twisted start with deaths, natural disasters, high school shootings and much more; planet Earth…May 31, 2020May 31, 2020